Radio Charades have been talking about Radio!
No, don’t ask me what the OMGDCUYOY means – but the excellent Radio Charades was back last month, with some brilliant stuff from Toby Frost about how it feels to be a novelist writing his first radio play. Also something called the “DC Universe”, which I think involves men in tights comparing their mother issues.
OK, enough faking, yes, I saw Batman vs Superman, and yes, I think Ben Affleck is the best Batman since Michael Keaton [screw you Dark Knight fans]. But read on, to see how you can find our more from a successful novelist about the transition to radio.
Geeks with Secret Artist Powers
Radio Charades may seem at first glance to be two geeks talking about geeky stuff of no interest to non-geeks, but secretly between the two of them Toby and Owen have an immense amount of knowledge about film, story, and construction of narrative: all of their podcasts are worth listening to if you care at all about writing and film.
But no current affairs knowledge..
Just try not to get too confused about the current affairs stuff. Listening to them explaining why India was changing it’s currency was almost as painful as the last time I taught banking to American postgrads (but much, much funnier).
But before they get into all the geeky stuff that’s slyly deeply informative about storytelling (and which you should stick around for) there’s a great section about Toby’s experience working with @littlwonder.
You should head over and download it from iTunes via this link.
So what does Toby say?
Toby talks about how it felt writing a radio play, and what it was like hearing and audience hear his play for the first time. Toby speaks exceptionally well about writing (check out his blog words to that effect). As he puts it, with radio play writing “You write this stuff and you kind of send it off… then you suddenly hear someone else doing it and taking it seriously. And suddenly this is proper now.”
Enjoy the episode? Why not subscribe via iTunes by clicking here.
Toby’s Play is Coming Soon – Inspire you to do some writing?
Should all go well with the iTunes launch of Little Wonder , the very proper play “Walking the Halls” will release on Thursday 12th July (post production is finished and it sounds fabulous.) If we are having technical problems there may be some small delays – I’ll keep you posted.
And if you listen to our latest play, you can hear a trailer for “Walking the Halls” at the end. It’s pretty exciting!
Did listening to Toby talk about writing radio inspire you to have a go yourself? Good news!