Qued though this was a simple smuggling job. Now they’ve lost their spaceship, his beautiful blue symbiotic scarf Miranda is telling them the eggs they’ve stolen are for a suicide mission, and an aggressive tentacled security agent called Bernhardt is interested in crushing his skull. Thankfully, Miranda is the one in charge of the thinking…
Qued – Keith Crawford
Miranda – Stephanie Campion
Bernhardt – Tuvana Hizarci
A brand new original play from Little Wonder – check it out:
Show off your work – or just show off this cool show you’ve found.
All our shows are published under a creative commons no derivative license, which means you are free to share and republish our work provided you don’t make any changes and you credit it back to us.
If you have written or performed for us or, hell, even if you just like our work and want to show it to more people (yay!), you may be interested to know that you can embed a media player on your website or into your social media feed that will allow people to listen to the chosen show directly from your post! This is a great addition to your on-line portfolio, will pull more people into listen to your work/this work you enjoy, and will make us happy by helping more people to hear our work. So how do you do it?
When we launched on iTunes about a week and a half ago I set at the time what I thought was a hugely ambitious target of achieving 1000 individual play listens by September the 1st – which, if we could also get enough rate/reviews on iTunes to get an average score in the UK, US and France, would be enough to maybe, just maybe, get us on the front page of iTunes.
Well, it took us 10 days. We smashed through 1000 listens on July 23rd and with the very exciting Operation Semen by Oliver Warren releasing tomorrow I think this may just be the beginning!
Want to help us out? Rumour has it that the average podcast that makes it to the front page as “New and Noteworthy” has received 2000 listens and 200 rate/reviews on iTunes. We’re not that far away. We could do it! Check out how to rate/review on iTunes by clicking this [link]. Friends, family, people you meet on the street – lets do something amazing!
And look at these glorious, beautiful numbers below. Or forget my obsession with graphs and go listen to some radio plays 🙂

We have a Youtube channel with all our radio plays subtitled and on a playlist, which means if you pick one, press play, and reduce the window, you can happily leave it playing in the corner. Also, if English isn’t your first language or you’re curious about the text, this is a good way to get a better understanding of the play.
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