Hume D, “An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” ed. Peter Milican, Non-Fiction, (Oxford World Classics: 2007)
Link :Amazon, Goodreads. Price: £7.15
Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, published in 1748, is one of the most important works of philosophy ever written. It systematically established that effect follows cause, an idea that seems so natural to us now that it seems strange it needed to be proved. As it turns out, in the 18th century it was highly controversial. This book is essential reading not only for an example of how a rigorous proof can change the world, but also for the superb introduction by Peter Millican, which is worth the price of the book on its own. Perhaps its greatest success is that it explains why Hume had to go to such efforts to prove cause follows effect, and the arguments (and particularly contemporary religious doctrine) that he had to overcome (even though they seem nonsensical now – an excellent lesson for all of us). Make sure to buy this edition of Hume’s work.