Not Dead, Writing
First of all, I’m very sorry that this is my first post of 2022. Since Christmas, I’ve had a resurgence of my disability, long COVID thanks to exposure to someone who was unvaccinated, a broken wrist, a bust foot, and a twisted knee (all on the right side, all in separate incidents). That meant with what time I had between being ill and looking after the family, I’ve had to focus on the latest book. But you can still find hundreds of posts and articles about writing here on the site – I hope you find the useful.
And there is good news!
First, I’ve finished my third novel! It’s now heading off to readers to be torn apart ready for rebuilding, but finishing a readable draft is always cause for celebration 🙂 I should have one (possible two) new books published this year, we’ll see how it goes.
Second, my first novel, Vile, was listed as a finalist in the Wishing Well fiction competition! They’ll be judging 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in April (there are some wonderful books in the finalist list, so I have no expectations) – mostly I’m just delighted because prizes mean people are enjoying the book! If you haven’t read it yet, the Kindle version is just a couple of bob and had been revelling in all sorts of critical praise. You know, if books could revel. Check it out!
I hope to get back to a more regular posting schedule soon (believe it or not, I have about a dozen book reviews ready to be posted). But I also need to get back to reading other peoples manuscripts for review, as well as finishing off book 4 and I guess starting book 5! As I said, you’ll find lots of resources here, and here’s hoping 2022 will be easier than 2021 or 2020 (actually, I’ll take ‘avoiding world war III’)
Keeping reading and writing 🙂 The world in books is certainly better than the world out here!