Qued though this was a simple smuggling job. Now they’ve lost their spaceship, his beautiful blue symbiotic scarf Miranda is telling them the eggs they’ve stolen are for a suicide mission, and an aggressive tentacled security agent called Bernhardt is interested in crushing his skull. Thankfully, Miranda is the one in charge of the thinking…
Qued – Keith Crawford
Miranda – Stephanie Campion
Bernhardt – Tuvana Hizarci
A brand new original play from Little Wonder – check it out:
Little Wonder Writer’s Project Rehearsal: Success!

On Sunday April 22nd we performed our six new plays from the Little Wonder Writer’s Project in front of a public audience at Moving Parts in Cité 27 (you can see a picture of us rehearsing on the right). We got a great quality recording, a wonderful audience response, and I’m deeply proud of the plays our writers created. So what happens next? And how can you listen to these creative masterpieces?
Come and see our new plays!
A broken down lift and a haunted house; a vengeful miner and a space battle; how to make a horse ejaculate and a relationship ruined by writing. On Sunday April 22nd Moving Parts Theatre Company will perform a reading of the six new plays written by this year’s Little Wonder Writer’s project. The location is Cité 27, 27 cité industrielle, Paris 11eme. Doors are open from 1900-1930, entrance is free, and the plays will last around an hour and a half – followed by an audience Q&A.