How to Design a Book Cover: Claire Peacey on Making on the Cover for Dead Moon.
This guest article is from Claire Peacey, who made the covers for Vile and the recently released Dead Moon, both available on Amazon. Claire is a fantastic professional artist working in book covers and RPG Art – not only does she produce wonderful work but she is a pleasure to work with. In this article, she talks about her process for designing the cover of Dead Moon, with examples of drawings during the process to the final product. After taking a look, check out her website at https://cpeacey.wixsite.com/autumnsky.
Having had a load of fun with producing the cover for ‘Vile’ it was fantastic to hear back from Keith about some new work – in a totally different direction. As before, the provision of a detailed description and some thumbnail sketches really helped with being able to establish a few different ideas for the work and get a feel for the sort of world Keith had created.