Welcome to Little Wonder Radio Plays!
Little Wonder Radio Plays ran from 2018-2020. We made short full-cast audio dramas (like a film on the radio) with professionally trained actors, then published them on the internet for you to enjoy, for free, how you want, when you want, wherever you want.
From 2018-2019 we published two plays a month, ran three competitions with the help of the BBC Writers Room, critiqued new plays, coached new writers, and reached tens of thousands of listeners! Then COVID struck, and we had to shut down operations as its difficult to cram actors into a small room all day during a pandemic.
We have now moved all our plays from Soundcloud to Anchor [LINK]. If you visit our Facebook [LINK] page, you’ll find that all the posts from prior to 2020 have dead links – we also lost all our listens, likes, reviews and publication dates. However, after some legwork, all but one of our published plays (alas, Two Slatterns and a King, lost forever) can be found on Anchor and via our assorted platforms – I will also be republishing links on Facebook and this blog with a few notes and remembrances about each play.
We currently have no plans to resume a regular recording schedule: our artists and editors have moved on, and every time I talk about plays both my editors and my wife glare at me and start muttering about writing more novels. Apparently, money can be exchanged for goods and services.
Please note that this means we are no longer accepting submission of any sort.
We’re enormously proud of this project and all the incredible people we worked with on the way. Please enjoy Little Wonder Radio Plays.
Little Wonder Crew
Keith Crawford

Keith is the creative monster behind Little Wonder Books and Radio, which means he fills in whenever there isn’t someone better to act/write/sound produce/carry things or find a way to create a realistic masturbation sound effect (more difficult, exhausting, and with less genitalia than you might think). He went to drama school, directed, and acted in a bucket load of plays, but has also been a Naval Officer and was first of his call to the bar. Now he is a full time Dad and novelist. Keith didn’t so much surrender to the Dark Side as saunter over and asked about the range of beers.
Little Wonder Radio Plays · Plays by Keith Crawford

Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor has many years’ experience of local bands, theatre, and filmmaking. Chris has a passion for audio drama and joined the Little Wonder production team to explore and enjoy the creative process. He and anyone else he can enlist (his children, his parents, his household objects, colleagues, passers-by) have contributed musically, vocally, technically, and critically to these exciting projects. His subsequent awakening as a writer has been thrilling for everyone at Little Wonder and we are all looking forward to big projects on the horizons.
Little Wonder Radio Plays · Numbers
Owen Roberts

Owen Roberts has the heart and soul of a graphic designer trapped in the life and body of a maths teacher. After facing the world as a mechanical engineer (designing HVAC systems for the Antwerp Law Courts and the Welsh Millennium Centre) Owen disappeared into a virtual world. Having gained a Masters in Computer Science, he worked in the Publishing industry in the heart of London at Spotlight, where he developed his eye for layout and typography while studying Graphic Design at Saint Martin’s College.
After Spotlight Owen worked in creative retouching for a spell at Electric Art whilst touring Australia, then became a Maths teacher – a fairly normal route into teaching. Graphic Design has remained a passionate hobby to compliment the robotic rigour of daily life. But Owen is probably best known for his extremely popular podcast Radio Charades, where along with author and long suffering/suffered friend Toby Frost he turns spouting geeky nonsense into an art form.
Oliver Warren
Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo & Facebook: @oliverwarren

Oliver is a London based award-winning writer-director who has been obsessed with fiction from an early age. Driven to write and direct screen fiction, Oliver has a growing catalogue of screenplays for TV, Film & Web, and is now beginning to realise them on screen. With Operation: Semen, his first radio play, however, he leapt at the chance to write this otherwise un-filmable tale – and found Keith and the crew impossible to get rid of afterwards. Oliver currently has several scripts in pre-production, so when he’s famous you can say you heard him here first!
Little Wonder Radio Plays · Mixed Gender Dorm
Little Wonder Radio Plays · Operation Semen
What about the writers?
Copyright for the scripts for all our new plays is vested in the authors. You are not free to use, reproduce or put on productions of their work without their permission. If you want to use one of these wonderful scripts, you should contact the author or their agent (details are in the relevant part of the website as well as on the blog post for the individual play). Do remember the writers like to get paid just as much as everyone else before you start composing an email about “exposure!”
Find our full list of writers by clicking here.
And a list of our player by clicking here.
Thanks for checking us out. Subscribe to the blog (below or to the right) to be kept up to date with the latest info, visit us on anchor at https://anchor.fm/littlewonder, and if you’re using a podcast app, either click the RSS link in the column to the right below the Little Wonder banner or enter https://anchor.fm/s/64d4925c/podcast/rss into your podcast app.
If you enjoy our work, share it. Hit that share button. Leave a comment and a review, then tell your friends to listen. Get them to subscribe. The more people who listen, the better our chance of living our dream and getting hired to write for Doctor Who.
Thanks for reading and for listening!
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