Free Creative Writing Course with About Writing

Links to Exercises
Lesson 2: Wound your Character
Lesson 3: The Villain is a Person Too!
Lesson 4: Conflict, Conflict, Conflict
Lesson 5: How do you know when you have conflict?
Lesson 6: The Flaw must Drive the Action
Lesson 7: Resolving the Conflict
What is the course all about?
Would you like to write better stories? Create compelling characters? Bring your scenes to life?
f am offering a free creative writing course via this website, and the Achievement Unlocked “guild” from the Habitica Productivity App.
The course is made up of a series of challenges. In each explain a key concept of creative writing and invite you to respond with a short piece of fiction. I will provide feedback to every person who posts a response. At the end of this page you will find links to all of the challenges.
We will cover plot & structure, character & development, writing effective, attractive prose, editing your work, and whatever else I fancy.
How do I take part?
There are two ways to take part.
First, you can simply comment on the posts. Once you have written your answer just hit “comment” below the question. You are also encouraged to respond to other people’s writing (provided your comments are positive and constructive).
Second, if you want to expose your writing to a broader community, you can join the Achievement Unlocked Website by following the instructions on the site. You will find all the writing exercises in the “creative writing” forum, along with feedback from other members.
Don’t be put off if the website seems complicated (I run several projects through AU). All you need to do is look at the “Site Map” on the left, and open the links “Community Member” and “Creative Writing.” The instructions there will tell you exactly what to do.
There is also a book club, logic, and physics lessons, should that pique your interest.
Free? Really?
Why am I offering a free course? Well, as per usual for this blog, it is pedagogic: trying to explain the key concepts of effective storytelling will help me understand them better.
(Although if you fancy clicking this link and buying one of my books, that would be lovely!)
I have edited hundreds of plays running Little Wonder, published (at the time of writing) two novels, and have been published in scholarly journals and newspapers including the Economist. I hope that sharing my experience with you will encourage you to share your experience with me.
As a side note, I am afraid I am not available to read your novel manuscript or edit your play. I do not have the time to provide free (or paid) editorial services.
Join in an help us all become better writers
I do hope you will join in and have fun! If you want to keep up to date with the exercises as they are released, I recommend subscribing to the site to get email notifications.
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