To thank you for helping make this amazing, crazy adventure a success, a bunch of us got together and made a new comedy, “Loopie-Loop”, in 72 hours of SFX cock ups, line errors, unstoppable giggling and general wonderfulness. Here in this post you’ll find a new, very silly play, made specially for you to say “wow, you’re brilliant, you’ve proved that radio is very much alive!”
As well as being a thank you, this was also a rather fun experiment. I know that I, and lots of you, struggle to get words on the page. It turns out that a really hard deadline makes things happen very quickly!
There are a lot of pros and cons to throwing together a radio play with no money in less time than it takes Lady Gaga to choose her wardrobe. Once I’ve recovered, I’m going to put together an article about what it means as a writer, director and producer to work under that sort of time pressure (and some important lessons we can all learn from that.) In the mean time, normal service continues and resumes. Have you listened to Consume by Date/Month/Year yet?
And don’t tell me you’ve missed Operation Semen. Not afraid, are you?
Thanks again wonderful people. And if you can – now that we have enough listens that iTunes might notice – leave a rate and review on iTunes to help push us over and look like the popular kids we all wish we’d been at high school! (If you’re on an android device this won’t work – who knew Google and Apple don’t get along? Just give us some likes/comments on soundcloud and we’ll be your bestest friends)