Why Voices and what did we learn?
I’m running a little behind on these (too busy making new plays!) – but on the 14th of June we released our production of Voices by Hortense Flexner: this is my analysis of the play, our production, and what we learned from our visit with the spirit of Joan of Arc.
Hortense Flexner King (1885-1973) was an American poet, playwright and professor (thus spake Wikipedia). She was a brilliant mind, a fine writer, and a feminist – so naturally I wanted to include a piece of her work. But, well, Voices isn’t her best. So why the heck did I choose it?

We have a Youtube channel with all our radio plays subtitled and on a playlist, which means if you pick one, press play, and reduce the window, you can happily leave it playing in the corner. Also, if English isn’t your first language or you’re curious about the text, this is a good way to get a better understanding of the play.
Subscribe to the channel here:

Soundcloud is our main host. It has a number of advantages that make it really easy to give your followers and friends direct access. This is the way to do it if you’re a real soundy/tech-wiz.
The first thing to do is make sure you follow us. If you have a Facebook account, you can log in using Facebook. Otherwise, an email address will do. It’s the orange button on the right beneath the banner logo.

You can listen to the plays, as well as liking, listening, or leaving comments (which we’d really appreciate!)

You can also share an episode via any social media platform you like by hitting the share button.
If you have a blog, you can embed one of our episodes in one of your blog posts. Add a couple of sentences talking about who we are and what we do (feel free to just copy and paste it from this website, or our Facebook page, or our twitter page.) After which , I will share and retweet your blog – hopefully bringing a few new readers back your direction. Essentially, Soundcloud is the best way to have the most direct control over sharing and exploring our audio content.
How to get the embed code:
Clicking on share will bring up this screen:

How to paste it into your blog:

What it looks like afterwards:

Putting interactive content like this in your blog is likely to increase traffic, both because it’s interesting in itself and because it will pull in traffic from us to you. Everyone wins!

You may not know this, but we have a website –
www.littlewonder.website – which is part of my larger
www.aboutwriting.org. As well as having links and articles about all our plays, it is chock full of all sorts of material about writing, crafting stories and trying to figure out how to be a writer and stay-at-home Dad at the same time.
If you subscribe to the website then once a month I’ll send you an email about what is going on and catch you up on the articles and plays you may have missed. Useful if you don’t like to keep regular track of social media. Also it would make me very happy, make the website appear more frequently in WordPress searches, and make me look less like a lonely loser type blogger.

Whilst you’re there, pick a category at random guess and check out an article.
Creativity and Literary Theory
Grammar and Spelling
News, Events, Competitions
Productivity, Planning and Editing
Radio Plays
Structure and Form
Style and Rhetoric
Click on one of the categories, like the article, comment if you dare – and then use one of the share buttons to tell the world that Keith is being wrong about something on the internet. Or click on the little heart to show me some love.

Want free radio plays via facebook? Our facebook page is useful because it helps us gather everything together in one group of easily clickable images, both video and oral content. It’s also a great way to find new listeners.
So, first of all make sure you have liked and followed our facebook page. All that means is we’ll pop up on your feed occasionally. I promise we’re 100% less annoying than all the car adverts or whatever Facebook’s stupid algorithm has decided you want to buy (I don’t drive, but I get a lot of car ads.) It’s an easy way to get reminded when we have new plays, calls for actors/writers, or have found some new interesting adventure to do.

Now you’re following us, scroll down the page and click like on a bunch of stuff. If you make us look popular then people who don’t know us are more likely to try us out. The more people who listen, the more plays we can make!

If you have a moment, then please find a recent post that you like and share it with your followers,
with an explanation of what it is and why you shared it. The best ones to share are the embeds – either the audio tracks from soundcloud or the video tracks from Youtube or Vimeo (because the people you share them with can just click on the button and hear the play).
Finally, if you’ve got an idea of who we are now and have time to write three to five sentences on it, click “reviews” (see the left hand side of the first picture) and leave a review of Little Wonder Radio Plays. Useful reviews say what something is, what it is like, and who might enjoy it. There’s nothing more depressing than a site that has no reviews!