Welcome to the new website! Thank you all for your patience while I painstakingly rebuilt from the ground up….
You should find everything where you left it. Please note that the old keithcrawford.org is currently obselete, and everything will be under aboutwriting.org for the time being. Posts are organised by category in the sidebar, footer and a new search section. The site should run much faster than it used to. Most importantly, it is ready for big new projects coming this year ™.
There are one or two new things you can see right now.
First, if you particularly enjoy the post you can now give it a “like.” This will make it easier for other people to find. Like a post by clicking on the heart symbol beneath the date or at the end of the post on the right. You will also find a list of ways to share on social media.
For $25 you can not only enter the Atlantis Short Story Competition but also receive 1-2 pages of detailed feedback on your work. But is it worth it? In this article I am going to share the feedback I received when I entered, as well as linking a copy of the story I submitted, and talking about where, how and if I found that it useful. It should give you a good idea of whether you will feel it worth your while to enter, as well as giving you some idea of what sort of things make useful story feedback. (more…)
National Novel Writing Month is an annual creative project on the internet, where crazy people try to write a novel (or 50,000 words of a novel) in a month. Alongside the main even in November, there is Camp NaNoWriMo twice annually (April and July this year), which allows for more flexible targets. It’s a great experience, and a powerful cure for writer’s block. Last April I was a winner, and in this article I share my top 10 tips for writing a novel in a month with NaNoWriMo. (more…)

It’s that time of year again; Camp Nanowrimo is back, and this time it’s serious.
Camp Nanowrimo is an extension of the popular National Novel Writing Month, where participants join other writers to try to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. Just in case it isn’t immediately clear, 50,000 words in a month is a lot. Last year I took a swing and managed 30k towards my target. This year I’m going to do better. So how have I gone about preparing to beat my previous score?
This article is about the
Writers’ Village Short Story Award 
, and if it is worth paying £15 to enter “the world’s largest short story contest that gives feedback to every entrant.”
The short answer is no, it isn’t. But I’m going to share with you the feedback I received, explain what I think are the problems with it, and you can make up your own mind. (more…)