Cover Reveal: Dead Moon.
I am delighted to reveal the cover of Dead Moon, which will be published on August 31st and is now available for pre-order via the website shop.

I am delighted to reveal the cover of Dead Moon, which will be published on August 31st and is now available for pre-order via the website shop.
Big News! My second novel, Dead Moon, will be published by Little Wonder Books and Plays on August 31st, when it will be available as an ebook and a paperback on Amazon.
…And that’s all I can tell you about that for now. But here are some dates for your diary as we build up to launch day.
Co-ordinated by the wonderful Kelly and Meggy of @LoveBooksGroup, on August 12th we will reveal the cover by the amazing https://cpeacey.wixsite.com/autumnsky/ Want to know if the world will end in fire or ice? That’s when you’ll find out.
From August 13th both signed copies and discounted pre-order paperbacks will be available via the shop on this website. Copies will be sent after launch, but this is a great chance to get a discount on the paperback and make sure you are prepared for the end of the world.
From August 14th-30th I will be releasing a series of snippets telling the story leading up to that told in Dead Moon. You’ll find them on twitter, so follow me @keithcrawford77, and keep an eye on the website to get the story before the story.
Join the party as Love Books Group and their team of lovely bloggers help celebrate the launch of the new book. More details to come: email meggylovebookstours@gmail.com to be added to the VIP list!
Dead Moon will be available to buy from Amazon as an e-book or a paperback from August 31st. Signed copies will still be available from the website shop. It will also be available to read via Kindle Unlimited.
Dr Jacky Collins will chair a panel interview of, erm, me, about the book, about my writing, and whatever other exciting titbits they think of to celebrate the publication of Dead Moon. Enjoy watching people make a fool of themselves on the internet? Make sure to tune in!
The reviews will be in an the verdict will be out! If you’ve yet to be persuaded by my all new flowing lockdown locks that I can write good science-fiction, Kelly Lacey’s team of reviewers and book bloggers will be sharing excerpts from the book and their opinion on Dead Moon. Which is to say I will be spending that week in a bar (won’t you come join me?). I’ll be sharing reviews and reviewers, so as always keep an eye on the site to find out just how good a decision you made when you bought the book on pre-order 😉
That’s all I have for now – much more information coming soon, and I shall update this post as well as adding more posts as the news comes in. Thank you!
This post is for everyone who has taken part in Little Wonder plays.
I need help sorting out the website so that everyone who has made plays with us gets the promotion they deserve.
With the latest draft of my new novel finished, I had some time to fix some broken sections of the website and sort out the biographies of all our writers and reporters. Below this post is a list of everyone who needs a bio. Please click on “more” and check the list.
(more…)On the 16th February we lost our friend Glenn Fernando. Glenn was a wonderful, generous, kind man, an exceptional guitarist, and someone who touched many people’s lives – I suspect without ever realising it. His brother Denis asked me to write something to share his music with as many people as possible, and also to talk about mental health, grief, and coping in times of great sadness. Because Glenn was a lovely man and whatever happened he’d want us to be alright.
First, the music. Check out this track by clicking on the play button.
You can listen to the whole album on Spotify here:
Or look up “Missionary Fades – Intakes of Sanity” on Deezer. Listening to and sharing his music is the best way we can cherish his memory.
You can also help more people hear his music by sharing this tweet I have set up:
Glenn’s funeral service will be on Tuesday 10 March at the Sacred Heart Church, Quex Road, Kilburn, NW6 4PS, and rather than bringing flowers the family would appreciate any donation you can make [here].
In the rest of this article I’m going to talk about grief, about Glenn, about how he told stories with his music and about taking care of ourselves and each other. If you don’t have time to read all that but are hurting because Glenn has left us, that’s fine, just make time to give yourself a hug and hug someone (or something) you love. Yes, I have been hugging my PlayStation this evening.
(more…)I’m delighted to announce that the following make up the longlist for our 2020 Open Radio Play competition.
Warmest congratulations to everyone who made our longlist. Over the next month I’ll be rounding up a team of writing experts to provide feedback on your work, which you will then receive along with a deadline to revise and resubmit before we chose five finalists that will be performed before a live audience here in Paris.
Dates are a little fuzzy at the moment – if you follow me on social media you’ll know things have been a bit rough as of late, but we are mostly on schedule and I’ll keep you up to date as I have more news.
For everyone who missed the list, commiserations, and please don’t stop writing or feeling like a writer because of this. As usual there was enormous diversity in the entries, from plays that didn’t work, to a sadly large number that didn’t meet the entry conditions including one or two really quite good film scripts (hot tip – if you’ve left stage directions/camera instructions in your script I’m going to figure out it isn’t really a radio play.) There were also some really good plays that on a different day might have made the list. So don’t lose heart, and keep writing.
In the meantime, if you’re looking for tips on how to up your chances next time round, here’s some articles on writing better plays:
Waiting for an Interview in Purgatory: On Originality
The Delights and Dangers of Causing Offence (About writing offensive plays)
Four Questions to make you Ready to Start your Story
On the Importance of Cast Lists
How Long should your Story be?
Don’t Build to a Climax: Start with a Bang!
Thank you so much to everybody who entered our competition and I look forward to working with our longlistees in the coming months.